Getting Started
Deployment Steps

Deploying Your ShipReady App

There are several platforms where you can deploy your ShipReady-based Shopify app. This guide focuses on two popular options that offer free plans and are well-suited for Remix and Shopify apps.

Render offers a straightforward deployment process with a generous free tier.

Key Features:

  • Free SSL
  • Automatic deployments from Git
  • Easy environment variable management

Deployment Steps:

  1. Sign up at (opens in a new tab)
  2. Create a new Web Service
  3. Connect your GitHub repository
  4. Set Node.js as the environment
  5. Configure build command: npm install
  6. Set start command: npm start
  7. Add environment variables (SHOPIFY_API_KEY, SHOPIFY_API_SECRET, etc.)
  8. Deploy provides a developer-friendly platform with a free tier suitable for small apps.

Key Features:

  • Global deployment
  • CLI-driven workflow
  • Free SSL

Deployment Steps:

  1. Install flyctl CLI
  2. Run flyctl auth signup or flyctl auth login
  3. In your project directory, run flyctl launch
  4. Configure your app as prompted
  5. Set environment variables: flyctl secrets set SHOPIFY_API_KEY=your_key SHOPIFY_API_SECRET=your_secret
  6. Deploy with flyctl deploy

Post-Deployment Steps

Regardless of the platform you choose:

  1. Update your Shopify app settings with the new URL
  2. Set the allowed redirection URL to
  3. Test your app thoroughly in a development store

Remember to consult each platform's documentation for detailed instructions and best practices.

For platform-specific troubleshooting or advanced configurations, refer to:

If you need further assistance, check our Troubleshooting page or contact support.