
PageTitleBar Component

The PageTitleBar component is a reusable React component that conditionally renders a title bar at the top of your Shopify app pages. It utilizes the TitleBar component from the @shopify/app-bridge-react library and respects the configuration set in your app's config file.


import { PageTitleBar } from './path/to/PageTitleBar';


<PageTitleBar title="Your Page Title" />


titlestringYesThe text to be displayed in the title bar


The visibility of the PageTitleBar is controlled by the showTitleBar setting in your app's configuration file. To enable or disable the title bar globally:

  1. Open your app's configuration file (typically config/app.js or similar).
  2. Set the showTitleBar property:
export default {
  // ... other config options
  showTitleBar: true, // Set to false to hide the title bar globally


Here's an example of how to use the PageTitleBar component in a page:

import React from 'react';
import { PageTitleBar } from './components/PageTitleBar';
const ProductPage = () => {
  return (
      <PageTitleBar title="Product Details" />
      {/* Rest of your page content */}
export default ProductPage;


  • The PageTitleBar will only render if showTitleBar is set to true in your app's configuration.
  • This component helps maintain consistency across your app's pages and respects the global configuration for title bar visibility.
  • The TitleBar component from @shopify/app-bridge-react is used internally, providing a native look and feel consistent with the Shopify admin interface.