Core Functionalities
Billing & Pricing

Billing & Pricing

ShipReady simplifies the process of setting up and managing billing for your Shopify app using the Shopify Billing API. Our pre-configured system allows you to easily implement subscription-based pricing for your app.

Key Features

  • Fully integrated with Shopify Billing API
  • Easy configuration of pricing plans
  • Support for subscription-based billing
  • Flexible pricing structure

Setting Up Your Pricing Plans

Configuring your app's pricing is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to app/config/app.js in your ShipReady project.
  2. Locate the pricingPlans array.
  3. Update the array with your desired pricing plans.

Example configuration:

// app/config/app.js
export const pricingPlans = [
    name: 'Basic Plan',
    amount: 9.99,
    interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
    trialDays: 7,
    name: 'Pro Plan',
    amount: 29.99,
    interval: BillingInterval.Every30Days,
    trialDays: 7,
  // Add more plans as needed

That's it! ShipReady handles the rest, integrating these plans with the Shopify Billing API.

Managed Pricing

For advanced pricing strategies, ShipReady supports Shopify's managed pricing feature. This allows for more complex pricing structures and easier management of plans directly through the Shopify admin.

To learn more about implementing managed pricing:

  1. Visit (opens in a new tab)
  2. Watch our dedicated video tutorial on managed pricing

Best Practices

  • Start with simple pricing tiers and adjust based on customer feedback
  • Clearly communicate the value of each pricing tier
  • Consider offering a free trial to increase adoption

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues with billing setup or have questions about pricing strategies:

Remember, effective pricing can significantly impact your app's success. Take time to strategize and don't hesitate to adjust your plans as your app evolves.